Copyright and Trademark Policy

The contents of this website, such as text, design, graphics, logos, trade dress, audio clips, video, etc. and the contents of our websites and associated services, including text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, musical works, design, graphics, logos, trade dress, audio clips, photographs, software, interfaces, code, or other works of authorship content and their selection and arrangement is the property of Cinema Capital and/or of its business partners and/or affiliates that have granted Cinema Capital, the right and license to use the Content, and is protected by the relevant and applicable copyright and trademark laws, or other proprietary rights. You shall not use the Content or any part thereof as your own content. You shall not reprint, republish or distribute any part of the Content in any form without the express written consent of Cinema Capital.

You shall not copy, reproduce, reverse engineer, decompile, transmit, sell, distribute, license or create derivative works of the Content, from this website or any portion hereof.

You shall not modify or alter the Content in any manner whatsoever.

All trademarks, service marks and trade names used on this website including "Cinema Capital" name and logo the 'Marks' are proprietary to Cinema Capital and/or its business partners and/or affiliates.

You shall not use any of the Marks as your own marks or as part of your own marks or in any manner which is likely to cause confusion or to identify your own products or services or to imply endorsement or otherwise of products or services to which they do not relate or in any manner which may cause damage to the reputation of Cinema Capital and/or its affiliates and/or business partners.

You shall not create or use any other mark that is deceptively similar to the Marks, be it for your own use or for the use of any third party.

You shall not delete or change any copyright or trademark notice on this website.

You acknowledge and agree that the Content and the Marks or any part thereof, whether presented to you by Cinema Capital or any of its affiliates or advertisers or any third party are protected by the relevant laws relating to copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, or other proprietary rights and all such rights are hereby expressly reserved.

If you breach any of these terms and conditions of use, your authorization to use this website terminates automatically. You agree that you shall have no recourse against Cinema Capital or any of its affiliates for any alleged or actual infringement or misappropriation of any proprietary or other rights in the Content or the Marks.

If you have any queries in relation to the Content or the Marks or this policy in general, please feel free to contact Cinema Capital at:

Cinema Capital
102-103, 1st Floor, Building A/4, Lok Nirman Towers
Dr. Ambedkar Road, Khar (West)
Mumbai 400 052, India
Phone: +91 22 42461717
Fax: +91 22 42461700