[Note: In case of joint EoIs, the details set out below are to be provided for each of the entities / groups submitting each joint EoI.]
1. Name and Address:
a. Name of the Firm/Company/Organisation:
b. Address:
c. Telephone No:
d. Fax:
e. Email:
2. Date of Establishment:
3. Core Area of Expertise:
4. Contact Person:
a. Name:
b. Designation:
c. Telephone No:
d. Email:
5. Group / Company Profile:
a. Group / Company Financial Profile (consolidated / standalone as applicable):
[Note: The Group / Company profile should necessarily include net worth and revenue numbers of the preceding three years. Where the entity submitting the EOI is a financial Applicant / fund entity, please additionally provide details pertaining to “assets under management” for the preceding three years and the committed funds available as on December 31, 2016, for investment in Indian assets.]
b. Experience of the Group / Company:
c. History if any, of the Company or affiliates of the Company being declared a ‘wilful defaulter‟, „non-cooperative borrower‟, „non-impaired asset‟ or „non-performing asset‟:
(On the Letterhead of the Bank/ Entity Issuing the Certificate)
Private & Confidential
Ref no: [Insert reference number] Date:
Cinena Capital Venture Fund
102-103, 1st Floor, Building A/4,
LokNirman Towers
Dr. Ambedkar Road, Khar (West)
Mumbai 400 052, India.
Attn: Mr Samir Gupta
RBSA Valuation Advisors LLP
21-23, TV Industrial Estate,
248-A, S K Ahire Marg, Worli,
Mumbai – 400 030, India.
Attn: Mr. Rajeev Sha
We the [insert name of the issuing entity] do hereby certify that [insert name of the relevant entity] incorporated in [insert jurisdiction of incorporation of entity] having their Registered office at [insert registered address of the entity] (“Company”)2 are solvent to the extent of [insert the amount of net worth of the Company] as disclosed by the information and records with us.
It is further notified that this certificate is being issued at the request of the Company without attaching any risk and responsibility to us in any respect whatsoever whether as guarantor or otherwise.
For [Bank/Entity Name]3
Authorised Signatory
2 To be provided for each entity involved in the joint bid, if any.
3 To be provided by the bank or statutory auditor or chartered accountant or equivalent in the jurisdiction of incorporation of the Company.